My own thoughts are my worst enemyHeaven is the natural state of our one and undivided mind; hell is my nonacceptance of the truth.Read MoreMy own thoughts are my worst enemy
We are all using the same mindThe physical universe of time and space is nothing more than "such stuff as dreams are made on."Read MoreWe are all using the same mind
It’s not that anyone is gone when they have diedSo, the good news is that in reality there is no death, and the world never happened. The bad news is that we don't believe we are wrong in our view of reality.Read MoreIt’s not that anyone is gone when they have died
As within, so withoutIf hatred finds a place within your heart, you will perceive a fearful world.Read MoreAs within, so without
Everything is in our mindEverything we take for real is only a thought in the mind. Reality is peace beyond understanding.Read MoreEverything is in our mind
Quietly slipping bySlip quietly by your thoughts to the safety of perfect peace in you.Read MoreQuietly slipping by
The ego illusionHeaven and hell are a decision of the mind based on what it believes to be true.Read MoreThe ego illusion
No one is left behindYour greatest victory is admitting the defeat of all your opinions.Read MoreNo one is left behind
I know how it worksSeeing that the ego does not serve my true interests I can choose differently.Read MoreI know how it works